IMTUG6: The Two-Finger Utility Gripper

IMTUG<b>6</b>: The Two-Finger Utility Gripper

Item Number: 1416
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Unit Price: $29.95

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Detailed Description

Target your training: focus on one or two fingers at a time--even your thumb:

  • pinch or crush--your choice--one or two fingers at a time
  • precision manufacturing for world-class performance, feel, and appearance
  • perfect--and portable--way to train your thumb
  • proprietary IronMind GR8 springs in 7 strengths: precise, durable, good-looking
  • ergonomic handles for reduced pressure on soft tissue of hands
  • CoC compatible: works hand-in-glove with Captains of Crush Grippers
  • made in the USA

Can't quite put away a CoC No. 2? Hit your pinkie and ring fingers with an IMTUG3 or IMTUG4 and see what happens.

Want to certify on the CoC No. 3 or beyond? Meet IMTUG5, IMTUG6, and IMTUG7.

Want a portable way to train your pinch grip? IMTUG1, IMTUG2, or IMTUG3 should be in your pocket.

Choose the IMTUG based on the relative strength of your fingers:

  • Thumb - weakest - use an easier IMTUG
  • Ring and pinkie fingers - moderate - use a medium IMTUG
  • Index and middle fingers - strongest - use a tougher IMTUG

Which IMTUGs should you choose? Use the following guide to select the right level of IMTUGs based on which Captains of Crush Gripper you are training with:

  • Guide or Sport - IMTUG1, IMTUG2
  • Trainer or No. 1 - IMTUG2, IMTUG3, IMTUG4
  • No. 1 or No. 2 - IMTUG3, IMTUG4, IMTUG5
  • No. 2 or No. 3 - IMTUG4, IMTUG5, IMTUG6
  • No. 3 or No. 4 - IMTUG5, IMTUG6, IMTUG 7

Need more help? Watch Meet and choose IMTUG grippers here.

IMTUG6: For those who are working with:

  • the CoC No. 2 or No. 3 grippers and want to train their index/middle fingers
  • the CoC No. 3 or No. 4 grippers and want to train their ring/pinkie fingers

Made in the USA.

No. 1416 (1 lb.) IMTUG6, the sixth of seven strengths $29.95

Download IMTUG instruction booklet here.

You'll find more information about IMTUG grippers here.

 Product ReviewsClick here to review this item
Middle & Ring Fingers! 8/22/2020
Hey Guy! Please dont forget us. IMTUG #6, Rep-Banging on the Middle & Ringer Fingers. What a RUSH!!
- Will Basden, NC