IronMind Hub

IronMind Hub

Item Number: 1244
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Unit Price: $34.95

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Detailed Description

We're not joshing about senior citizen Karl Norberg hauling up York 45s by the hub as a warm-up.

A staple at grip competitions worldwide and part of the Crushed-to-Dust! Challenge, the IronMind Hub lets you build and test your pinch grip in this classic feat of grip strength. The current hub pinch grip world records are*:

  • Men: Harri Tolonen at 44.80 kg (98.96 lb.) on 10 February 2019
  • Women: Mervi Pekki at 26.36 kg (58.11 lb.) on 3 February 2018

How do you compare? If you can do:

  • 30 lb. - average
  • 50 lb. - accomplished
  • 80 lb. - world-class

2-7/8" diameter gripping surface; crinkle finish.

No. 1244 (2 lb.) $34.95

Note: If you need a loading pin and clip, see item Nos. 1313-C or 1314-C.

Visit the IronMind Hub Rules and World Records.

 Product ReviewsClick here to review this item
Awsome 10/16/2015
If I had to describe the Hub in one word it would be.....Humbling.
- David Manella, IL
Great Product 6/20/2014
I got my Hub about a week ago. First time i used it i put on 5kg 11lbs and i could barely hold on. What a shock. After the second workout my hold time increased defenitely. Its making a difference on my gripper strength. Im new to grip work. I have the COC T and number 1.Before i got the Hub i couldnt close the COC 1 even for 1 rep. Now im closing it for 5 reps no problem with either hand. Its well worth getting this piece of equipment. Ive ordered the Rolling Thunder now cant wait. Hopefully soon Ill be stong enough to graduate to the COC 2. Thanks Iron Mind for bringing out High Quality grip tools.
- Stephen Ackerman, INT
Surprised 12/10/2013
Ive been training with the pinch grip block for a long time and I thought I would do well with the hub too because both works the pinch grip. I was mistaken. The hub is harder. This thing is bigger than it appears on the picture, extremely solid. I thought it would be solid, but not this solid. Will last forever.
- Fredrik, INT
Indestructible 7/18/2012
I run an IronMind Hub challenge at the Fitness Expos. Got my first one in Jan and hit 50# three months later. Got another and just hit 60# plus the hub and pin at the CrossFit Finals in Ca. ProMera Sports hired me to do the hub challenge in Vegas. Awesome tool. See you in Vegas, give it a try, Ill be there at the Con-Cret booth with my two Hubs. Keep Pinching.
- Jim Stoppani, CT
Built to build! 5/25/2012
You can call it what you want - a mock York, a pincher or a hub - but I daresay that this is actually a construction worker. If you are working with the CoC #2 and have yet to close a #2.5 with a credit card set, you can either continue doing your negatives or you can spice up your training with the hub! My very first lift was 22 lbs with either hand. If your first lift is about as mediocre as mine, you can count yourself LUCKY. In a month, this guy WILL help you crush the next CoC, and he will help you good.
- Michael U., INT
Built to Last 5/4/2012
I have been using my 3 Hub for three months and it has taken me to the next level. It is built to last and should never let you down. Dont forget to get a plate loading pin and clip, theyre made with the same excellent workmanship. I now am able to lift 50#. And the best part is, Im 68 years old. I am not a strongman, just a determined man. Thanks IronMind.
- James Stoppani, CT
Great tool! 7/24/2011
Very hard to lift! My wife growing up a Dairy farmer can almost lift as much as me!
- John, DE