No.1 Captains of Crush Hand Gripper

No.1 Captains of Crush Hand Gripper

Item Number: 1251
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Unit Price: $25.95

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Detailed Description

Captains of Crush Grippers: designed and built for performance.

Known around the world as the gold standard for building and testing hand strength, Captains of Crush Grippers are the single most important grip strength tool you can choose--for the fastest route to the strongest grip.

What's special about Captains of Crush Grippers?

  • the gold standard of grippers: original, authentic, unmatched
  • the single best grip training tool
  • perfect fit with CoC compatible grip tools for maximum progress in minimum time
  • knurled aircraft-grade aluminum handles, pioneered by CoC grippers in 1995
  • proprietary GR8 springs, only on CoC Grippers and IMTUGs: precise, durable, good-looking
  • a 20-year history of product development and refinement
  • precision manufacturing for world-class performance: top-drawer build quality
  • top-selling, top-rated grippers at Amazon, year after year
  • made in the USA
  • no-surprise geometry: you can count on the consistency and precision of Captains of Crush Grippers
  • 11 strengths for a perfect fit
  • certification on the top-tier CoCs

Made in the USA.

CoC No. 1: If you've already been working out with grippers, start here; most people who lift weights can't close it at first. You'll want to master this gripper if your job or favorite sport or hobby involves grip strength.

Need more help? Watch Meet and choose Captains of Crush grippers here.

No. 1251 (1 lb.) No. 1 @140 lb. $25.95

Download Captains of Crush instruction booklet here.

You'll find more information about Captains of Crush grippers here.

Take a look at the Captains of Crush grippers FAQ.

 Product ReviewsClick here to review this item
Most versatile gripper around 5/24/2016
I have been using this gripper to train my hand strength for deadlifts, holding on to 400+ pounds gets hard if you arent doing something specifically for it. Also, I was able to open several beers using the knurling on the handles. So this gripper gets bonus points for having awesome knurling.
Great gripper. 1/20/2016
Have had the #1 for a couple of weeks now, I gotta say although not as tough as a #2 gripper you still gotta respect it. I have had the #2 for nearly seven years now but I still havent closed it, I didnt really take my training seriously until recently so I got the #1 gripper to reach my goals of grip strength and to ensure I dont get injuries by doing negatives on a #2 gripper too regularly. The #1 gripper did not disappoint.
Ittukusuk Fisker
Great goal when you start out! Quality warm-up afterwards! 9/2/2014
I was able to get 4-5 reps the first time I tried it I had done some deadlifting with 300+ at the time - so I didnt fare that bad at first. My working gripper is now the CoC#2, yet the CoC#1 gives me a fine quality workout and is also great when I want to do a higher rep back-off set after my max sets. If I was to practice set-up technique daily, this is the one I would use!
- Dominique, QC
The Real Deal Folks! 9/21/2012
I bought both the Trainer COC T and the Number 1 COC 1 gripper, and let me tell you, they were one of the best investments that I have ever made. I have been working with both of these grippers for the past 3 months, and during that time, I have added 1 of muscular mass to both of my forearms. I am also stronger in all of my primary lifts too! I usually warm up with the Trainer gripper by doing 2 sets x 10 reps each, and then I knock out 1 set of 9-11 reps with the Number 1 gripper for a working set. I will be purchasing both the #2 gripper and the #3 gripper in the very near future!
- Jeff, MI
oh yea 1/11/2012
im 13,and i can already close these just goes to show..these thingsare the best around
Awesome! 12/1/2011
I Love the #1 gripper. I used to have a maximum grip of 120lbs. But after 2 weeks training with the #1 I now have a maximum grip of 143lbs. Bring on the #2!
- Bret Kahler, BC
Quality Gripper 5/1/2011
When I first got the No.1 I could only close it two or three time properly, and only after a month that moved up to 20-25. The Captains of Crush dont season, My non-training family and friends can attest to that. After 2-3 months the No.2 is a piece of cake.
- Robert, IN