Strong-Enough Lifting Straps™

Strong-Enough Lifting Straps™

Item Number: 1239
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Detailed Description

If you're not using IronMind lifting straps, you're probably not lifting as much as you could be. Chosen by the world's strongest men (and women) in 3 styles: the question is not whether you are using IronMind lifting straps . . . the question is, which IronMind lifting straps are you using?

Strong-Enough Lifting Straps: The top pro strongman choice since their introduction in 2000 and probably used for more top strongman performances than all other straps combined, Strong-Enough are also the single best overall lifting straps for most people. Strong-Enough Lifting Straps were developed when Ken Brown's run-of-the-mill straps blew out at the 1999 World's Strongest Man contest, keeping him from making the finals. We said, "That shouldn't happen; we can make you some lifting straps that won't blow." The rest is history: Ken went on to break the world record in the Silver Dollar Deadlift--1,062-1/2 lb.--and Strong-Enough Straps were strong enough for the job. 21-1/4" long, loop at one end; 1-1/2" wide blue nylon webbing with Wicked-Strong construction. Made in the USA.

No. 1239 (.25 lb.) $23.95/pair

Compare IronMind's Lifting Straps here.

 Product ReviewsClick here to review this item
Tug & Grow 12/9/2012
This summer -- it is now winter -- I decided to give my hands a rest and start pulling double-overhand in the deadlift with straps -- THESE STRAPS. The result? -- I can now snatch deadlift for a triple what *was* a maximal effort in the conventional dead. Plus the upper back growth has rendered my shirts ill-fitting!
- Richie Whitehead, TN
Great! 7/15/2012
These straps are great. Ive used them for years with no issues. Well worth it!