WOD I Do: 1RMs T-Shirt

WOD I Do: 1RMs T-Shirt

Item Number: 1233-1RM
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Detailed Description

Weightlifting is the ultimate sport. Becoming comfortable doing the heaviest of lifts that touch your soul repeatedly, and doing them often and consistently, transcends exercising.--Tom Hirtz, Heavy Athletics

1RMs are the ultimate goal and test for a weightlifter, "becoming comfortable with making heroic efforts" on the platform. While you won't do them every day, they are the measure of your progress.

100% preshrunk organic cotton short-sleeve shirt in white with black/blue design. Chest sizes: L (44"); XL (48"); 2XL (52"); 3XL (56"); longer cut .

1233-1RM (.5 lb.) $12.95