Any 5 IMTUG Grippers: e.g., IMTUG2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Any 5 IMTUG Grippers:  e.g., IMTUG2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Item Number: 1412-5
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Unit Price: $129.75

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Detailed Description

Pinch or crush--your choice--one or two fingers at a time. Choose any 5 IMTUG grippers--just $25.95 each!

Pre-selected set includes:

  • No. 1412 - IMTUG2 gripper*
  • No. 1413 - IMTUG3 gripper*
  • No. 1414 - IMTUG4 gripper*
  • No. 1415 - IMTUG5 gripper*
  • No. 1416 - IMTUG6 gripper*

Your fingers differ in length and strength so you use a different strength IMTUG depending on which fingers you are targeting:

  • Thumb - weakest - use an easier IMTUG
  • Ring and pinkie fingers - moderate - use a medium IMTUG
  • Index and middle fingers - strongest - use a tougher IMTUG

*other strengths of IMTUG grippers may be substituted in set; please leave a note at Check-out.

No. 1412-5 (4 lb.) $129.75 ($25.95 each)

You'll find more information about IMTUG grippers here.