Lasha Talakhadze (Rep. of Georgia) turned in a riveting performance at the 2016 European Weightlifting Championships, with lifts that included this 212-kg snatch, which gave the impression of a hot knife cutting through butter.
- "Clean for Show, Jerk for the Dough" by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
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- Training Layoffs: Boon or Bust? by Ernest Roy, P.T., D.P.T.
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- Practical Science Applied: Rest Intervals Matter by Brian Jones, Ph.D.
- The Wrist Reinforcer: A Versatile Tool by Christian Schyberg
- Spanish-style Javelin Throw by Lucio Doncel
- The German Super Power: Josef Manger by Gherardo Bonini
- 2016 Los Angeles FitExpo: Grip Strength Excellence by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D.
- 2016 European Senior Weightlifting Championships: All Eyes on Rio by Per Mattingsdal
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