Short & Sweet Lifting Straps by the Dozen

Short & Sweet Lifting Straps by the Dozen

Item Number: 1234-D
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Unit Price: $132.00

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Detailed Description

If you're not using IronMind lifting straps, you're probably not lifting as much as you could be. Chosen by the world's strongest men (and women) in 5 styles: the question is not whether you are using IronMind lifting straps . . . the question is, which IronMind lifting straps are you using?

Short & Sweet Lifting Straps : Classic style for Olympic weightlifters; short for bailouts. This is the original IronMind Lifting Straps, based on the design used by super heavyweight Olympic silver medalist Mario Martinez, the last American man to win an Olympic medal in weightlifting. 18" long, no loop; 1-1/2" wide blue nylon webbing. Made in the USA.

We've packaged our Short & Sweet Lifting Straps by the dozen for easy ordering for coaches, contests, teams, and gyms--at a 15% discount!

No. 1234-D 12 pairs $132.00 ($11.00 each--a 15% discount)

Compare IronMind's Lifting Straps here.