Crushed-to-Dust!--let this be your battle cry for all things grip.
Sale items are prior model - a great value!
1233-CTD (.5 lb.) $9.95
Work so hard that your teetch hurt from the breathing--SUPER SQUATS.
No. 1233-TH (.5 lb.) $12.95
Not just for 20-rep squats, it's the way to approach all your goals.
Sale T-shirt is prior design.
No. 1233-LM-A (.5 lb.) $16.95
The king of lifts.
No. 1233-LEJ (.5 lb.) $12.95
1RMs are the ultimate goal and test for a weightlifter, "becoming comfortable with making heroic efforts" on the platform.
No. 1233-1RM (.5 lb.) $12.95